After a lot of confusions and searching I decided to begin with Flask framework first, since Django is pretty complicated (for beginning).

After some three days of learning and practicing Flask I must say, I’m lovin it. At the very beginning, I thought that as it is mentioned as a micro framework it can be used only for minimal applications, but I was totally wrong. As pointed in many blog posts and forums, don’t get fooled by the phrase micro framework. It can do as much as what other frameworks can do for you and that too in a simplified manner.

As mentioned in my previous post, I started my learning with Django and was almost half way in their initial tutorials, but it felt that I was just doing what is asked to do and I am totally going nowhere in understanding it. But in flask, it is exactly opposite. Since it’s most of the capabilities are powered by its extensions the core of the framework is much easy to grasp.

I have begun my Flask learning from the official Flask tutorials. They were very clean and precise to begin with. It gives what you have to do and what will happen and how that happened, and I was confident that I was moving at a constant speed. Just 3 days from starting, I have already started building my practice web app which involves, Profile management, Session management, OpenID, FB and Twitter APIs, DB interaction, mailing system. I hope to complete it in few weeks.

Once after completing the minimal app in Flask tutorial, I started with the Flask Mega Tutorial - building a microblog application, which uses almost all what I mentioned above and more than that.

It is going in more quicker than I expected it and it is so fun to travel along with it too.

I hope to complete the tutorial as quick as possible since it involves more extensions of Flask which needs an in-depth learning.

If all goes well, will release the app soon.