If you by any chance came across my previous posts or read the about page, you would know by now that I am a newborn programmer. I have been a System administrator for almost 3 years with MNCs when the thought begun to grip inside me that I want to become a programmer. Not python, not ruby, but a Programmer. As in my blog tag line I want to become the other type.

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Postgresql as we know is one of the most matured and robust database out there. It is open source, provides more features than any of its counterparts. It’s also the second most used open source DBMS out there. If you aren’t using it download and get started.

Today we shall look at how to perform trigram indexed searches and trigram combined with postgres full text search. Let’s get started.

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Often web servers sends out response as HTTP compressed data while making requests either as JSOn or JS. Our browsers are smart enough to uncompress the data by the appropriate zipped method and show our web pages for us, but in an application, well we have to make it smarter.

Whenever I am searching for some solutions and I land on a Blog post, I don’t read the content but skip straight away to the code, so without further ado below is the code to unzip the response if it is gzipped. The code is using Node.JS’s request module and zlib.

This method also uses NodeJS’s stream api.

zlib = require 'zlib'
request = require 'request'
unGzipResponse = (url) ->
    ungzip = new zlib.createGunzip()
    resp = request url
        ungzip.on('data', (data) ->
            buffer = []
            ).on 'end', ->
                console.log buffer.join("")
    catch e
        console.log "ERROR - #{e}"`

The code is written in my beloved coffeescript and if you want, you may convert it here

It’s been a few days that I lastly blogged but the delay was worth it since I came up with my first deployment of a small app that actually works.

It is a tiny app that serves tiny purpose. It don’t make your life better, It don’t save the world.

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At the time of writing this, the gem repoisotry for Ruby (https://rubygems.org) is down due to DDoS.

Waking up to this news is not soothing especially when you have a day off and decided to work on your stuff.

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